The 3 Keys to Better Web Design – Cool Artwork

The 3 Keys to Better Web Design – Cool Artwork


company owner, or would like to share the work of your artist online, you need a website as a part of your outreach strategy. The research has shown numerous times the enormous impact that a good web design has on brand reputation, sales and the general public’s attention. If you want to design a site that is most effective for your objectives, you need to understand three key elements to an effective website design that are navigation, hierarchy and colour. This video provides detailed look into these related issues.

The foundation of web design revolves around navigation. It is the way that users move from one site to another. The navigation bar will usually be located at the top of your screen. It could also appear as a dropdown or the corner of a button that can be collapsed. To keep your navigation bar from becoming overcrowded, reduce your tabs at a minimum, and provide multiple links to your pages throughout your site. Sitemaps are a fantastic method of quickly describing the entire page. The hierarchy should put those pages with the most significant information higher on pages, and colors should direct the user’s focus across your website. Your site will appear modern and easy to use by balancing all three aspects.


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