The general rule is that if they take care of them well and provide them with a variety of perks and free services it is a sign that it is certainly worthwhile to stay in.
Which facilities do guests get access to? You should look for amenities such as laundry service, Wi-Fi (if needed) access to kitchens (if available). The above services must be readily available. Be careful, though, because some hostels will be charging extra fees for these facilities.
Do you have a curfew, or time limit for locking the doors that remain locked during the night? This is important to know in order to avoid having to be locked out of your room at dark without an option to gain access. Some places block out their staff on night shifts to ensure that there isn’t the person who can let you in if it is after-hours. The lockout signifies that other guests will be permitted in the hostel. This means there is the least chance of visitors disrupting the sleep of you and more privacy.
The maintenance of the Hostel
One of the most significant turn offs for a lot of people in regards to poor hostels throughout Europe is the dirty walls that are found at the majority of hostels. Smoking cigarettes can leave marks on walls and ceilings. If you reside in a space that is stained with streaks of dark grease, that could be a bad indicator to you.
It’s helpful if you also looked out for possible ceiling leaks or cracks, that could cause mold to grow. Mold is something no one wants to see, so get rid of such places prior to anyone acquiring or develops health problems because of sleeping there.
How’s cleanliness? If you fail to treat pests like bed bugs and lice properly, there are many additional things that could result in serious health problems. Think about the people who were forced to handle this kind of thing in high school.
It was enough to make you feel bad, Imagine that you’ve multiplied that by 100+