It could affect any joint. Fingers, wrists, hips for example. A healthy knee’s inside is cushioned with fluid and cartilage. The cartilage becomes worn away and the bones rub against one another without any padding. This leads to joints that swell. Osteoarthritis is more frequent during the early morning hours and may become better once you begin moving around. The condition can also cause you to wake up at time of night. Osteoarthritis is a very common disease within the family. People at higher risk include those who have old knee injuries. Extra weight can cause damage to the joints. Your chance of developing Osteoarthritis grows as you age. The condition cannot be treated. You can take medications to ease your pain and make it simpler for you to move. Three major areas of treatment can be discussed with your physician. Regular exercise can help with Osteoarthritis. Water aerobics can be particularly helpful for the knees. It does not put excess pressure on joints. You might want to consider exercising. Ask your doctor for assistance when you’re not able to a PT. ir7nxc76qh.