It is a vital part of kitchen plumbing installations. In the event of a fault that causes the pipes to not function properly and require replacement, the necessity to replace their components can occur. It is possible to replace them using this YouTube video “Leaky Sink: Basket Strainer”.
The initial step is to take off the T-junction and put the water trap there to protect yourself from exposure to sewer gas. To repair a leaky sink it is only going to require some basic tools. The strainer could lead to leakage. It is common for strainers in sinks to not have a proper seal to the drain opening when doing aftermarket sink repairs. Look over the strainer to find any leaks that are brightly colored. Get rid of glue used by plumbers from the drainage.
This is when the putty knife becomes useful. Be careful not to scratch your drain with the sharp edge. Remove the old strainer thoroughly if you intend to reuse it. If the original filter has a hole that is leaky, employ a cold epoxy glue to seal the hole. To make sure the epoxy glue is able to stick the glue should be applied under dry conditions. The washers and gaskets from the past need to be changed to ensure the optimal result. It is also recommended to contact experts in plumbing for plumbers for kitchen repairs instead of opting for a DIY fix.