Anes, or something other entirely. An individual couple, however, has an unusual collection. Police patches are an everyday assortment. Each police patch is unique with regard to its shape and design. A lot of thought is put into every patch. Every company who makes patches has to consider the significance of each design. The patches must be in line with the highest standards of police departments. Every patch should be considered to be a work of art. Also, it is a work of artwork that is meaningful to people. Police badges are a symbol of order, peace, and protection from evil.
In the clip, the couple started with a couple of patches received as a gift. They were specifically patches of The Live PD show on television. This was however only the start. To add to their patch collection The couple started seeking patches from various police departments. Surprised, they started receiving dozens of patches in the mail. A majority of them arrived at no cost. The collection has increased over the years , and now includes more than 1,000 patches. They are proudly displayed in their residence.