The instructor is Professor John Ahr. There are numerous varieties of burnishing equipment. There are many types of burnishing instruments. There are some that are straight while other are curvy. You might have used one of them if you’ve worked in stone setting. This copper product has A lightly sanded surface on it. It can be polished with the help of a burnishing tool. Burnishing tools can be used for stone-setting. It is the ideal tool for smoothing the edges of a bezel. Burnishers can be utilized to serve other functions. They are a time saving option that can quickly solve the most common issues in making jewelry. The tool for burnishing is commonly used by jewelers for smoothing out edges. You can smooth out minor scratches and dents on jewelry without having to cut off all gemstones, or make any modifications to the temperature. The tools will not come right out of the package perfect. They need to be tuned up. If you continue watching the video, you’ll discover that it is important to sand your burnishing tools so they’re working flawlessly for your needs. rth4svjuwa.